CyroSays - a podcast
I'm considering starting a podcast to explore how people end up taking different career paths. My hypothesis is that people limit their career options to what »
I'm considering starting a podcast to explore how people end up taking different career paths. My hypothesis is that people limit their career options to what »
We each tolerate different levels of discomfort and inconvenience to prevent others from being unhappy with us. Neither extreme makes sense. People who demonstrate little willingness »
An increasing number of businesses seem to be offering unlimited PTO policies to their employees. While this is typically marketed as a huge perk for employees, »
When I go to coffee shops, my interaction with the cashier usually goes something like this: I place my order. I'm told how much I owe. »
Because confrontation can be uncomfortable, many managers procrastinate hard but necessary conversations with people they work with. While this trade-off makes life more pleasant in the »
Often when people ask, "What do you think?" they're looking for validation instead of soliciting a genuine opinion. For small things, like giving feedback »
I've noticed that people, as working adults, are rarely interested in hearing about professional accomplishments in social settings in the same way that they tend to »
In the same way that programmers talk about code smell, we know when we're doing things that may compromise the security of our data. We may »
It's often hard for managers to resist the temptation to make people do things they way they would have. Unfortunately, even when well-intentioned, micromanagement is suffocating »
When asking someone to do something, it's tempting to say, "this should be easy," if you want it to be done quickly. The implication »