Serve placement
Most squash games I play are decided by my ability to win points when I'm serving to my opponent's backhand. If I can place the ball »
Most squash games I play are decided by my ability to win points when I'm serving to my opponent's backhand. If I can place the ball »
Today, my friend told me that he knew where I was going to hit the ball based on how I was holding my squash racket when »
There's a large mental component to squash. While I try not to think about previous points and as hard as I try to remember that each »
Squash is both physically and mentally exhausting. When we decide to play more than five games to eleven, we play less aggressively because we're pacing ourselves, »
Playing squash is about more than just getting a great work out; it's an opportunity to have one-on-one conversations. I enjoy playing hard (even when I »