Read-Do versus Do-Confirm
There are two types of checklists: Read-Do and Do-Confirm. Read-Do checklists are like recipes where users read and complete each item before moving onto the next »
There are two types of checklists: Read-Do and Do-Confirm. Read-Do checklists are like recipes where users read and complete each item before moving onto the next »
When preparing for an interview or a performance review, remind yourself that if something can't be easily written down as you describe it, then it may »
Large contract manufacturers like Foxconn in China allow companies like Apple to pay only for labor to produce a specified inventory. Tasks are continually subdivided so »
Progress is rarely consistent or predictable. Anyone who has spent time at the gym, running, or brainstorming ideas knows that progress comes in bursts. So, it's »
Edge cases are annoying to fix; often they feel more like stumbling blocks than opportunities to improve the current solution to a problem. While this may »
When talking about startups, people often nod along, pretending to know about companies that they've never heard of. Unfortunately, it's hard to know whether they're just »
Particularly in work settings, if you have concerns that there may be different recollections about an in-person conversation or phone call (e.g. during a vendor »
One of the dangerous conveniences afforded by social media is that news consumption has changed from pull to push. With personalized feeds, readers no longer need »
The ETL process of massaging training data into a consistent and normalized format is often one of the most difficult and time consuming steps in machine »
Meetings are necessary for information sharing, but are expensive in terms of time and money. If an application had access to a company's payroll and calendar »