Asking parents about gun safety
With staggering statistics about accidental shootings by kids, it seems reasonable for parents to ask other parents if they own firearms, and if they do, how »
With staggering statistics about accidental shootings by kids, it seems reasonable for parents to ask other parents if they own firearms, and if they do, how »
To get a public library card, you need to prove residence. In the past, you'd bring a utility bill with your name on it. But now, »
In other countries, people are used to receiving text messages after each of their credit card transactions. Given that this helps alert people to possible fraud, »
Individually, it may be rational not to vote, but collectively if too many people have that attitude, democracy is meaningless and ineffective. In other words, voting »
In genetics, the Orchid hypothesis is a theory that most people have genes that allow them to take root and survive almost anywhere, just like dandelions, »
It's awkward when friends ask to be referred to jobs that I don't think they're well equipped to handle. While I want to help them accomplish »
Why is it the norm for plane tickets to be the same price, regardless of how much weight they account for? In other areas of logistics »
In research and development, managers need to balance the need for competition with collaboration. Yet, despite best intentions, it's likely that some will feel like it »
When people post selfies online, it's ironic that they're taking photos of themselves to get validation from others. At first, I thought that selfies were primarily »
I wish more people would focus more on the context behind people's opinions. By taking time to understand the experiences that shape people's values and priorities, »